3 Plus Critical Illness

Affordable coverage for the top 3 critical illnesses: stroke, heart attack and cancer (all stages)


Date of Birth Age {{Quotation.ddAge}}
{{"Age must be between " + productConfig.MIN_AGE_PROPOSER + "-" + productConfig.MAX_AGE_PROPOSER + " years old"}}

Age Next Birthday is reflected

Note: You may consider the different types of Direct Purchase Insurance (DPI) and other types of life policies available, and whether the life policy is suitable for your financial circumstances and needs before purchasing this policy. To do this, you may visit the compareFIRST website to understand the features and premiums of DPI and other types of life policies.


Cover Amount
Pro-tip: The Basic Financial Planning guide recommends Critical Illness protection equivalent to 4x your annual income.
Learn more
Invalid Cover Amount
Pro-tip: The Basic Financial Planning guide recommends Critical Illness protection equivalent to 4x your annual income.
Learn more

Heart and Neurological Disorder rider

Pro-tip: This benefit provides a one-time payout upon diagnosis for the first time for the 24 covered conditions that affect heart or brain function.

See which conditions we cover.
Pro-tip: This benefit provides a one-time payout upon diagnosis for the first time for the 24 covered conditions that affect heart or brain function.

See which conditions we cover.


Add S${{Price.monthlyRiderPremium}} monthly Save S${{Price.monthlyRiderDiscountPremium}}

Add S${{Price.quarterlyRiderPremium}} quarterly Save S${{Price.quarterlyRiderDiscountPremium}}

Add S${{Price.semiYearlyRiderPremium}} half-yearly Save S${{Price.semiYearlyRiderDiscountPremium}}

Add S${{Price.yearlyRiderPremium}} yearly Save S${{Price.yearlyRiderDiscountPremium}}

Payment Term  View Policy Benefit



Save ${{Price.monthlyDiscountPremium}}

For monthly payment, an initial payment of 2 months is required.



Save ${{Price.quarterlyDiscountPremium}}



Save ${{Price.semiYearlyDiscountPremium}}



Save ${{Price.yearlyDiscountPremium}}

Pro-tip:A selected Client is someone who fulfils at least two of the following:
(I) 62 years and older;
(II) Not proficient in spoken or written English
(III) Has below GCE 0-level or “N” level or equivalent qualification

Are you a selected client?

Pro-tip: A selected Client is someone who fulfils at least two of the following:
(I) 62 years and older;
(II) Not proficient in spoken or written English
(III) Has below GCE 0-level or “N” level or equivalent qualification

Note: You may consider the different types of Direct Purchase Insurance (DPI) and other types of life policies available, and whether the life policy is suitable for your financial circumstances and needs before purchasing this policy. To do this, you may visit the compareFIRST website to understand the features and premiums of DPI and other types of life policies.
Promo Code
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Have a question?

Shall you require more assistance, you can also speak to our Assurance Managers at SingtelAM@etiqa.com.sg. Our Assurance Managers will get back to you soon.

Have you ever had, or been told that you have, or are you currently undergoing medical testing or investigation for diabetes, high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease, cerebral vascular disease, disorders of the nervous system, urogenital disorder, rheumatoid arthritis, AIDS or infection with HIV, cancer, carcinoma in situ, pre-malignant changes, tumour, lump or polyp? (For tumour, lump or polyp which have been removed without recurrence and confirmed as benign, please select 'No’)


In the past 2 years, have you had abnormal results or results outside the normal range in a pap smear, mammogram, breast ultrasound, prostate examination or tumour marker blood test?


In the past 3 months, have you experienced unexplained weight loss of 5kg or more, blood in urine, persistent coughing, bleeding from the bowels or in stools, diarrhea or constipation for 30 days or more?
